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History of PFAG

Power of Faith Assemblies of God (PFAG) church is a spirit filled Pentecostal church in fellowship with Assemblies of God and Evangelical Alliance UK where God’s infallible word brings life, liberation and transformation into the lives of people.

PFAG started as an offshoot of Victory Christian Centre (VCC) Assemblies of God church in Bracknell, UK. In 2005, a number of people started travelling from Reading to VCC in Bracknell to worship. After a careful consultation with the leadership of the church and Rev. Samuel Agyenim Boateng (VCC Plaistow), it was agreed that another church should be planted in Reading to serve the Reading community and those who were commuting to Bracknell for fellowship.

On 20th of August 2006, PFAG was formally commissioned under the able leadership of Pastor William Adu Asare who also served as the first senior Pastor of the church with Pastor Dr Francis Offeh as the associate. It is important to note that by God’s own providence and mercies, 40 worshipers gathered on 20 August 2006 at Map Community Centre in Reading and the number has since increased to about 200 members over the past years.

After a few months of worshipping at the Map Community Centre, the leadership decided to relocate to London College of Professional Studies (London Road, Reading) due to the fact that Map Community Centre could not contain us anymore. By the grace of God, the church finally secured a permanent place of worship at 141 Cardiff Road in Reading which is currently not fit for purpose mainly due to increase in membership. It is the heart desire of the leadership that a new and a much bigger place would be acquired in the shortest possible time to the glory of God.

Pastor William Adu Asare in September 2011 moved on and handed over the mantle to Rev Dr Francis Offeh who is currently the Resident Senior Minister of the church.

PFAG has seen tremendous move of the Holy Spirit since its inception and has grown from strength to strength and from grace to grace. For the past 10 years the church has made significant impact on the lives of many people both within the Reading community and beyond. Currently, some of our members come from Aldershot, Basingstoke, Newbury, Bracknell, and High Wycombe. By the grace of God PFAG has since August 2006 been the choice of many Ph.D. candidates and Masters students from Ghana who attend Reading University. This is not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of the Most High God.

What else shall we say? Beloved, let us give glory and honour to Jehovah for how far he has brought us. The church is marching on and the gates of hell cannot prevail against it. We are grateful to God that he is building his church and will continue to build it to the glory of his holy name. Indeed, Christ in us, is the Hope of Glory.


Power of Faith Assemblies of God (PFAG) church is a spirit filled Pentecostal church in fellowship with Assemblies of God and Evangelical Alliance UK where God’s infallible word brings life, liberation and transformation into the lives of people.


Office 138, Spaces

Waterside Drive

1650 Arlington Business Park

Theale, RG7 4SA


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© 2023 Power of faith Assemblies of God Church. Charity Reg No. 1126341

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